Gloo Factory Ink. participated in the Occupy Tucson protest this past weekend offering tshirts and stickers. An estimated 1000 people took part on the 1st day.
Gloo Factory Ink. at Occupy Tucson
- Post author By The Gloo Factory
- Post date Oct 19th, 2011
- Tags banners, binding, bumper stickers, buttons, community minded printing, copies, coroplast signs, CWA Local 7000, decals, fair trade, Gloo Factory Ink., glow in the dark printing, graphic design, independent media, local business, local labor movement, occupy together, occupy tucson, occupy wall street, offset printing, patches, peace supplies, photocopies, pins, political change, political signs, progressive causes, progressive politics, recycled papers, reflective stickers, screen printing, social justice, t-shirts, tucson color copies, tucson xerox, union-made, we are the 99%, world's best bike stickers