Stickers & Shirts for Sleeping Frog Farms

sleeping frog shirt and stickerWe whipped up some shirts and stickers for the folks out at Sleeping Frog Farms, an organic farm out near Cascabel. We’ll be printing tote bags for them next week using fair trade bags from DouglaPrieta Works.

They supply produce to Tucson through CSA memberships, vending at farmers markets, and selling directly to restaurants and stores.

Our graphic designer, Walt, took a delivery of stickers out to their farm last Saturday for their summer farm party.

Check out their site to learn more or to sign up for a CSA share!

Sheets of 5-color vinyl stickers in the drying rack.
Sheets of 5-color vinyl stickers in the drying rack.
Hoop house with kale, tomatoes and peppers.
Hoop house with kale, tomatoes and peppers.

New Year, Same Gloo.


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