Gloo Factory Ink Press

Shirts for newly founded Colibri Center for Human Rights

The Gloo Factory is printing new shirts for the Colibri Center for Human Rights, an organization in Tucson dedicated to helping identify the remains of people who have died while crossing the border between the United States and Mexico.

Read more about Colibri’s efforts in the Daily Star: New center aims to help identify remains of border crossers.

Gloo Factory Ink Press

Printing large campaign signs

Saldate SignsAs this year’s election season kicks into gear, the Gloo Factory is ready to print everything from buttons to extra large yard signs. We set up our oversize vacuum table to make these 2-color signs for Macario Saldate – look for them around town soon!

Contact us for estimates on printing for campaign materials, including:

  • Yard signs
  • Stickers
  • Buttons
  • Fliers
  • Shirts
  • Mailers & newsletters
  • Other custom projects
Gloo Factory Ink Press

Bus Riders Union Shirts

Tucson Bus Riders UnionThe Gloo Factory proudly printed five hundred t-shirts for the Tucson Bus Riders Union, which has been organizing to prevent fare increases, extend bus service, and  keep the Rondstadt bus center in downtown. You can learn more about the Bus Riders Union’s efforts at their site,


Gloo Factory Ink Press

Printing for Casa Libre 10th Anniversary

casa_libreCasa Libre en la Solana is celebrating being open for 10 years in Tucson with a Gala on February 22nd. The Gloo Factory printed shirts, stickers, invitations and perfect bound journals for the event.

Visit to learn more about this organization’s support for writers and literature in Tucson.

Gloo Factory Ink Press

Booklet to help families plan for possible deportation

family-unity-guideIn collaboration with immigration lawyers, social workers, and non-profit organizations, the Gloo Factory produced a booklet for families with undocumented parents. The booklet contains information in both English and Spanish about how to be prepared if a parent is taken into immigration custody, if they are in detention, and if they are deported. Gloo Factory artist, Karno, provided custom illustrations for the book.

The book is 40 pages, with a 90# cover and bound with black wire coils.

Gloo Factory Ink Press Projects

Revitalize Border Communities

revitalize_finished_signWe just finished a batch of 1,000 yard signs for Border Action Network that are part of the Revitalize Not Militarize Border Communities campaign. The signs are available through BAN and here at the Gloo Factory. We hope to see them popping up around Tucson soon!


revitalize_green_drying revitalize_anthony_printing

New Year, Same Gloo.


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