
Screen Printing at Who Shot Rock & Roll at Tucson Museum of Art

Gloo Factory Ink will be participating in Tucson Museum of Art’s Who Shot Rock & Roll  Art After Dark happening on October 22, 2011. We will be printing outdoors in front of the stage between 8 pm -midnight at the opening reception. Stop by and screen print your own souvenir poster. At the event we will also have publicity about our next screen printing workshop.

This event is free for TMA members / $ 10. for non-members. Tucson Museum of Art is located at 140 Main Street in downtown Tucson. For more details visit Tucson Museum of Art’s Who Shot Rock & Roll Art After Dark Party.


Southside Worker Center

Gloo Factory Ink. screen printing t-shirts for Southside Workers Center

The Southside Worker Center provides a volunteer support system to help workers and employers to negotiate day labor employment.  A  community effort of Southside Presbyterian Church, the Center also offers English classes and other opportunities for the workers.

Visit  Southside Worker Center for further details.


A Culture of Cruelty

Perfect bound books.

Today the No More Deaths coalition is releasing a report on US Border Patrol abuses of migrant detainees called Culture of Cruelty. The Gloo Factory is honored to be the printer for this epic publication, and applauds the work of the many individuals and groups working for justice in the borderlands. As an independent media project, we support the efforts of those involved in this project to shed light on the brutal truth of how people are systematically abused by our government in the name of border security. Copies of the report, and information on how to support those who are standing up to Border Patrol violence are available through No More Deaths Coalition.

A community effort of volunteers assemble printed matter.

Where’s El Lobo?

Gloo Factory Ink is participating in Defenders of Wildlife's "Where's El Lobo Contest."

If you are curious about the two wolves gracing the front of our building, please visit Defenders of Wildlife for further details.


Screen Printing Area

This is our screen printing area where our T-shirts and stickers are made. We're still getting settled in but the new space is really comfortable.

Gloo Factory Ink. has moved!

On July 1st we opened our doors at an expanded new facility in South Tucson, across the street from El Torero restaurant! We are staying busy in the transition and are continuing to expand our services. Our new location features improved function and comfort, with room to grow.

New Year, Same Gloo.


Now Offering

DTF Transfers!